Thursday, August 9, 2012

Here are the submissions for the "how do you recover after camp"......

Recovery tactics: SLEEPING countless hours :), watching Olympics (trying to catch up), spending time with family, and walking!

-sleep, and lots of it
-postponing most activities, for a week or so
-shopping, merely for fun (it's wonderfully relaxing to go to a store other than Walmart for a change)
-taking long hot baths
-reading a favorite book
-pampering yourself with an at-home spa
-do something you love to do, as long as it doesn't drain your energy
-listen to music
-get creative and make something, whether edible, decorative, or just fun
-sleep some more

Recovery tactics: Sleep... Thats it

I see a common thread in all of these answers :)

Hope all of you are catching up on sleep and doing whatever it is that relaxes you.....

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