Monday, May 16, 2011

Delano....need I say more? :)

Meet old timer of BABR.....

My name is Delano Gon and I'm from Gray Mountain, AZ, but most of the time I'll just say the Flagstaff area. I'm 19 years old and although I decided not to take classes this past school year, I plan on starting my sophomore year in college this fall most likely at NAU. My favorite color is red, my favorite food is just about anything (I guess steak is right up there), and my favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan.
My future plans include majoring in something in the field of music. I was in to engineering but I feel God is pulling me in this direction. Other then that, I don't really have plans for my future as I'm just guna wing it with God haha.
My hobbies include playing basketball and playing the drums. I'm still in the process of learning on the piano. I am currently in a band and we're still trying to get things done so no we're not recording yet haha.
This will be my 13th year at BABR (10 as a camper, 3 as staff) and I am more excited than ever of going back and serving God!


  1. Nice, an old timer at camp! Love it.

  2. Delano..remember when I thought pretty much all last summer that you were a newlywed? bad.
