Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Marissa's address

I'm posting this in hopes that you will take a minute and send Marissa a quick note....she would absolutely LOVE getting mail!!!!

Marissa Maxwell
1436 SW 25th Ave Unit D
Boynton Beach, Fl 33426

Please also continue to pray for her.....
things have already come up at home.....


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Here's a camp memory that you'll all appreciate :)

If you have a "memory" you want to share.....let me know!!!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Here are the submissions for the "how do you recover after camp"......

Recovery tactics: SLEEPING countless hours :), watching Olympics (trying to catch up), spending time with family, and walking!

-sleep, and lots of it
-postponing most activities, for a week or so
-shopping, merely for fun (it's wonderfully relaxing to go to a store other than Walmart for a change)
-taking long hot baths
-reading a favorite book
-pampering yourself with an at-home spa
-do something you love to do, as long as it doesn't drain your energy
-listen to music
-get creative and make something, whether edible, decorative, or just fun
-sleep some more

Recovery tactics: Sleep... Thats it

I see a common thread in all of these answers :)

Hope all of you are catching up on sleep and doing whatever it is that relaxes you.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Camp is over!

Wow.....what a summer!

Can't believe the 9 weeks are actually flew by!  

I pray that each and every one of you walked away from the summer changed, challenged and knowing that you were used by God.  

I want to get this blog active again and want YOU ALL to be involved in it....


......I'm sure each of you are recovering in your own way (mine was to alternate between cleaning my house and napping)....

I'm going to be posting some of YOUR "recovery" tactics on here......just message me on facebook with some of the ways you are recovering after a long summer, and I will post them here.....should be interesting :)  
I love you all....and eventually I will actually MISS you all....but for now I am enjoying the 'peacefulness' of the camp....ha! 

Christy Mlekodaj

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Here is the latest updated staff list.....

We are full on the guy side, but we still need some more females.....please pray! 

Zuzana (all summer)
Holly Knox (6 weeks)
Stephanie DeBerry (all summer)
Jessica Meese (all summer)
Leah Arjay (July)
Katlyn Hilderman (July)
Jessie Cooper (June)
Emily Barto (2 weeks)
Jaynann Kinsel (June)
Ellya Kennell (June)
Caitlyn Yale (all summer)
Annette Torres (all summer)
Samantha Irving (all summer)
Melissa Pagnozzi (all summer)
Kara Blum (all summer)
Miriam Griffioen (all summer)
Sarah Peshlakai (all summer)
Sarah Tucker (all summer)
Natalee Anderson (4 weeks)
Anna Gabriel (all summer)

Ty Platero (all summer)
Josh Bounds (7 weeks)
Sam Terry (all summer)
Andrew Kontz (all summer)
Shawn Tschoepe-Enneper (all summer)
Justin Wynne (all summer)
Adam Prins (all summer)
Caleb Peshlakai (all summer)
Alex DenBleker (all summer)
Cody Paiva (all summer)
Forrest Smith (all summer)
Josh Hillis (all summer)
Tyson Logg (all summer)
Anthony Spean (all summer)
Matthew Knox (6 weeks)
Delano Gon (all summer)
Kevin Delmar (all summer)
Christian Paiva (all summer
Kevin Craft (3 weeks)
Nathan Hilderman (all summer)
Timothy Gon (6 weeks)
Graham Beyale (week 2, 7, and 8)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Changes at the camp

The bad news:
there will be no go-carts class this year again.....

The good news:
the track is laid out....
a new go-cart shed has been built.....
new go-carts are waiting for the finished product......
we only need $30,000 to complete it! ;)

Not sure what activity classes will be lined up for this summer, but I do know (Christian Paiva), that we will have sling shots! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cody Paiva (all summer)
Forrest Smith (all summer, BABY!!!!!)

Josh Hillis (all summer)
Tyson Logg (all summer)
Anthony Spean (all summer)
Ty Platero ( ALL SUMMER)
Josh Bounds (7 weeks)
Sam Terry (all summer)
Andrew Kontz (all summer)
Shawn Tschoepe-Enneper (all summer)
Matthew Knox (6 weeks)
Delano Gon (all summer)
Kevin Delmar (all summer)
Justin Wynne (all summer)
Adam Prins
Caleb Peshlakai (all summer)
Christian Paiva (all summer)
Kevin Craft (last 3 weeks)

Shannon Lufkins (all summer)
Anna Gabriel (all summer)
Natalee Anderson (4 weeks, OR all summer?:) )
Holly Knox (6 weeks)
Sarah Tucker (all summer)
Sarah Peshlakai (all summer)
Stephanie DeBerry (all summer)
Jessica Meese (all summer)
Leah Arjay (July)
Annette "poop" Torres (all summer)
Miriam Griffioen
(all summer)
Samantha Irving (all summer)
Melissa Pagnozzi (all summer)

Kara Blum (all summer)
Emily Barto (June)

Pretty sure we are full on guy counselors (might put an extra one in for good measure!)
Need 1-2 more guy wranglers

Need about 4 more girl counselors
Need 1-2 more girl wranglers

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

a few more :)

Here's the update as of Monday........

Kevin "Petey" Delmar
Delano Gon
Jessica Meese
Adam Prins (yes, it's a Prins brother for all you old school BABRers)

As of right now we only need about.....

2 more guy wranglers
2-3 more guy counselors

2-3 more girl wranglers
5 more girl counselors

Then it will be full......better hurry!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Awesome Staff so far........

Ok, I've compiled the previous lists.....
Here's what we have so far.....and I'm excited!!!

(we only need about 40ish staff....and we are over halfway there!)

Anthony Spean
Stephanie DeBerry
Ty Platero
Justin Wynne
Sarah Tucker
Sarah Peshlakai
Caleb Peshlakai
Anna Gabriel
Natalee Anderson
Miriam Griffioen
Josh Bounds
Kevin Craft
Christian Paiva
Melissa Pagnozzi
Samantha Irving
Holly Knox
Matthew Knox
Annette Torres
Same Terry
Andrew Kontz
Shawn Tschoepe-Enneper (16)
Leah Arjay (16)
Shannon Lufkins (17)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hey....Got some more peeps signed up to work this summer.....woo hoo!!!

Sam Terry (19)
Matthew Knox (12..ha!)
Annette Torres
Samantha Irving (18)
Melissa Pagnozzi (17)

There will be announced on Monday....check back!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Well, the list is growing and things are shaping up around here.....

Christian Paiva (18)....all summer
Keven Craft (20).....last 3 weeks of camp
Joshua Bounds (17)....all summer???

I know of several others that are sending their apps in soon also.....pretty sure we will be full very soon.....God is so good!

We are working on coming up with a craft for this summer's craft class.....if you have any suggestions, please let me know.....needing some ideas :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three more additions to our staff......and I'm so excited to have these lovely ladies back for another summer!!!

Miriam Griffioen (all summer)
Natalee Anderson (4 weeks)
Anna Gabriel (all summer)

Shaping up to be another great summer!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Well, it's not even February yet and we already have several of our staff lined up for the summer. Praise the Lord!

Just as last year, I think we will fill up early, so you should turn in your application asap :)

Accepted so far:
Caleb Peshlakai (16).....all summer
Sarah Peshlakai (18).....all summer
Sarah Tucker (21ish).....all summer
Justin Wynne (16).....7 weeks
Ty Platero (35..ha!)......all summer
Stephanie DeBerry (17).......all summer
Anthony Spean (20)......all summer

I have a couple more applications ready to be "discussed".......I'll update soon :)

And just to let you know the exact dates:

ORIENTATION (mandatory):
June 3rd (Sunday)
(if you are flying in, make plans to fly into Albq on the 2nd....Saturday)
Campers arrive on June 11th!